Call for Paper – July Issue 2024

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International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)(ISSN: 2394-4404) is a brisk multidisciplinary educational research platform providing those individuals an ideal intricate opportunity to accomplish their desires who long for a refined betterment in their respective arenas. Designed to usher the sublimity around the globe we engage our noble efforts for the enlightenment of multidisciplinary issues contemplatively. We bring forth this electronic journal monthly and promote the vivid research entries with precise and apt touches and by bridging the gulf between perception and the inception.Join us to sail beyond horizons or to ride beyond stars for bring off contouring destinies.


  • Area of concentration: Multidisciplinary
  • Frequency of publishing: Monthly
  • Mode of publishing: online (e-journal)
  • Language of publication: English
  • Double Blinded Review Process
  • Zero Level Plagiarism Tolerance

IJIRAS – Benefits to paper publications:

  • Easy & Rapid paper publishing process.
  • Low publication fee to promote the research work
  • IJIRAS is indexed in Google Scholar, Docstoc, ResearchGate, Scribd and many more.
  • IJIRAS provides individual Soft Copy of Certificate of Publication to each Authors of paper.


  • Platform to share knowledge in front of the world
  • Encouraging research work
  • Platform to showcase your research
  • dedicated specialist review team
  • cross cultural focus
  • lowest publication fee to promote the research work


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International Open Access Journal

Current Issue (July Issue 2024)
1.Boosting Economic Growth: Strategic Insights On Impulse Buying In Mobile Commerce Shikha Pundir, Roozbeh Babolian Hendijani DOWNLOAD

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